Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assigment 10/17/13

    Should there be techonolgy in school and how should it be used? Like all issues there is people who agreee or dissagree. Some people might say that techonolgy should be used in school becuse this is a age where technology is every were. Others will say it doesnt work as good as the old fashion way with a teacher and a book. My opinion is it technology should be used in school to a certian extent.
    Nearly all schools across america have some form of technology. There are many schools that even put thenology in there cso's. Every were you look there is techonolgy of some sort so shouldent are generation learn how to use it. If the next generation doesn't know how to use it the worlds economy might get worse since it realys on computers. On the other hand I kind of also agree with the other side that it doesnt work as good as the old fashion way.

    Like all things there is responsible way of using thenology without interupting the learning of kids. Entire classes shoulden't be taught on line becuse some people might not learn that way. Also it's harder to moniter what kids are doing on stuff like laptops. Phones are also a problem causing many tardeys around the nation. Kids are glued to there phones like never before causing distraction in class and inturupting there learning ability.

    My opinion is thecnology use should be used in schhols to a limit. I even think that a thnelogical devise should be issued to every student. Ipads should replace books, which would save the trouble of carrying around book and probaly even money. However teachers should still teach but use the technology as a tool. Students could then do all there assigment online for the teacher to grade helping the economy by making recycling unnessecary.

    There is always going to be contoversy over issues like this. People dont like to change the way that we've been theaching for 100's of years. People should know  You can't move forward if you keep living in the past. If people would accept this change the education system, kids, and teachers would benifit greatly. Only time will tell if America embraces these radical ideas or not.

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