Tuesday, September 10, 2013

bellringer 9/10/13

1. Mcdonalds is offering this meal probaly to make more money.
2. 1445, yes this could affect the obesity rate.
3.  Yes, as the price of stuff gets higher fast food retaurants will look for any way to make more money.

bellringer 9/9/13

1.No the us does not have the responsibility as the world police force. I think the un should act as the world police force so the resposibility doesn't fall on one nation.
2. The un should be the police force of the world.
3. Chemical wepons are a concern to the world becuse they kill innocent people.

Friday, September 6, 2013

bellringer 9/6/13

1. I think this dad got what he got coming. Beating a kid wont help the kid learn anything and the kid will probaly rebel.
2. The fathers action shows that he doesnt really care about his sons health.
3 Yes this action would be acceptable in the 1950's becuse there way of thinking was diffrent from todays.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

bellringer 9/5/13

1. Should mcdonalds raise the price of its dollar menu? As the econmy gets worse the prices of stuff goes up. I think its justified becuse a buisnees cant be lossing money.

2. Yes entery fast food workers should get paid more. Working at a fast food restuarant is a streesful job at times so the workers should get paid accordingly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellringer 9/3/13

1. Yes I think this is a invasion of your privacy because they should need to get your permission first.
2. Have not read them.
3. yes but when the founding fathers wrote it they never invisioned facebook.